What Is The Main Cause of Hepatitis & What Happens If You Have Hepatitis ?
The virus is the most common cause, but auto-immune hepatitis can also occur when the body's immune system attacks and destroys its own kidney cells.
The virus is the most common cause, but auto-immune hepatitis can also occur when the body's immune system attacks and destroys its own kidney cells. Hepatitis is primarily caused by a virus, but there are many other possibilities. A viral infection is the primary cause of hepatitis. And various types of viruses can lead to hepatitis-- some fairly benign, some very serious—such as cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
The main cause of hepatitis is the Hepatitis A virus (HAV). Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) can also cause acute hepatitis, but they are responsible for the majority of chronic cases. Chronic hepatic problems may result in the development of cirrhosis or liver cancer, which can be ultimately fatal. It's also possible for an individual to experience co-infection with HAV and HBB/HCV without knowing it since some people infected with HAV do not show any symptoms.
The human body typically gets rid of the virus in 1-3 months or so without needing any help from drugs or therapies, but about 15% to 40% of people infected with hepatitis A see their symptoms persist for 6 months to 3 years. This can be especially hard on people who are young and otherwise healthy because it often results in interruption of school or work life, not to mention the loss of self-esteem which can damage personal relationships.
Permanently resolving this requires active participation by both doctor and patient; unfortunately, many factors combine to reduce the likelihood that someone will recover completely naturally, including an existing chronic liver disease like cirrhosis (in which case
The main cause of hepatitis is bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and chemical substances that damage the liver. The secondary causes may be alcohol abuse or chronic fatty liver disease.
A damaged or diseased liver can lead to alcoholic cirrhosis and other diseases such as spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and encephalopathy.
Hepatitis refers broadly to any inflammatory disorder involving the liver, a diverse organ having many functions in the body. The immune system's response damages hepatocytes - cells that form bile ducts to remove toxins from the blood, produce clotting proteins for blood clots, store energy from food in glycogen so it can be used later when glucose supply from food runs low after starvation occurs.
Some viruses, but more often a drug or toxin that irritates the liver. Drugs and other toxins that can damage the liver include industrial solvents like ammonia, industrial chemicals like benzene, alcohol, acetaminophen (Tylenol), erythromycin (mostly taken to decrease antibiotic resistance), tetracycline antibiotic with surgery concurrent antibiotics), drugs for prevention of malaria such as chloroquine plus proguanil or mefloquine with surgery concurrent clindamycin plus primaquine) and ursodeoxycholic acid.
In adults, viral hepatitis is the most common cause of infectious chronic liver disease, and it's often spread by close contact. In children, foodborne outbreaks are more common. Your body's immune system is a major cause of hepatitis and can be activated by something like a viral infection.
The key to understanding liver disease comes when you realize that the immune system - via T cells and B cells; NK cells; macrophages and natural killer (NK) cells - create inflammation in your gut which ultimately drains into your liver. And when these "Do-or-Die" T lymphocytes or "natural killer" (NK) cell attacks occur it triggers scarring in various regions of your liver which leads to cirrhosis.
The main cause of hepatitis is viral, but it's important to note that there are two types of hepatic viruses that can cause this condition. The first is Hepatitis A (HAV), which comes from fecal matter and is usually spread by food or water contaminated with infected feces. The second type of virus, Hepatitis B (HBV) comes from blood contact, sexual intercourse, or childbirth; however, both types can be transmitted through blood transfusion or drug use (especially needles). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HAV affects about 150 Americans each year; HBV affects roughly 2 million people annually.
The main cause of hepatitis is the virus. But there are other causes including bad hygiene, drinking contaminated water or using dirty injections needles. Furthermore, the hepatitis viruses may spread from an infected mother carrying the disease to her unborn child before it's even born! That can lead to two very different types of hepatitis - one that has a strong reaction where the pregnant woman develops significant liver damage and another that barely affects her at all. And then of course not surprisingly- people who already have chronic health conditions such as diabetes or cirrhosis (liver scarring) and those with weak immune systems due to age or chemotherapy for cancer patients with low white blood cell counts can be more prone to experiencing a chronic infection.
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. It can be caused by either viruses or toxins, including alcohol and prescription medications. Symptoms may include fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting pain in the right side below the ribs when taking deep breaths. The most common type in America is Hepatitis A which you get from sharing food or drinks that are contaminated with tiny amounts of stool from infected people; also known as "gastroenteritis." Getting vaccinated prevents the most acute form usually found in children..
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